
Besides making music for video and animation, I also make music for fun. Listen to that here:


In september 2022 'The Life of a Beginner' premiered in Frascati Amsterdam. A music theatre piece that I wrote and performed, together with Gerrit Dragt.
I've also been involved in several other people's theatre projects, including:
Lessen van een Hert van Stichting Moskou, in which I played live music.
FOMO van House of Nouws, in which I made music in advance, and performed as an actor.
Omdat ik veel in en rond het theater gewerkt heb en me veel bezig houd met verhalen vertellen doe ik ook soms dramaturgie of eindregie voor projecten. Vraag me vooral eens te komen kijken als je ergens mee bezig bent.

DJ Hoost de Jaas

I've been deejaying since I'm 14, on all kinds of parties from attics to galas. I'm a collector of many genres from all corners of the word.