Graphic Design


Nora Fischer & Marnix Dorrestein | 2018

On ‘Hush’, 17th century music is brought like sober folk songs, with only a voice and a guitar. (Spotify link)

Concept, photography, graphic design Joost de Haas

Land van Mij

Paul de Leeuw | 2016

Famous Dutch person Paul de Leeuw sings songs about his love for the Netherlands.

Concept, photography, graphic design Joost de Haas


Lykele Muus | Nijgh en van Ditmar | 2015

Eland is de filmische debuutroman van Lykele Muus: een ontroerend verhaal over liefde, waarheid en identiteit.

The story of your life

Mieke Bouma | Uitgeverij Balans | 2017

A book on how to approach your life like a writer, in order to make more out of it.

We do what we can

Lykele Muus | Nijgh en van Ditmar | 2018

A novel about a family drama around a cottage near the sea.

The beginning of the end

Joseph Jebelli | Uitgeverij Balans | 2017

Non-fiction about how scientists try to cure Alzheimer's.

The Inkcall

EP en single covers | 2024

The Inkcall is een verzameling muzikanten die akoestische percussie, funky gitaren en saxofoons combineren met dikke beats en vieze synthesizers. Dit artwork is een combinatie tussen schematische tekeningen van elektrische circuits en het organische gevoel dat de muziek ook heeft.

Concept, illustraties, ontwerp Joost de Haas

Logo Power to the People

Logo for a series of lectures about online privacy, and how to stand up for your civil rights in the digital age.

Logo 'Dutch Skies'

'Hollandse Luchten' was a series of theatre plays, made by Sadettin Kırmızıyüz, between 2013 and 2015.

Identity for Cello Octet

Cello Octet Amsterdam is the world's only cello octet, a unique ensemble that made reputation all around the world. Their identity builds upon the octagon.

Huisstijl De Balie

Tussen 2013 en 2017 maakte ik alle uitingen voor De Balie, cultureel centrum voor kunst, politiek en film in Amsterdam.

Identity Storytelling Academy

The Storytelling Academy offers trainings, courses and workshops about storytelling. I created a logo that can adapt to each course, and designed the website.

(On the project page Posters you'll find much more graphic design I did.)